The life you desire is perfectly packaged and ready for you.

All you need to do is receive it!

The life you desire is perfectly packaged and ready for you.

All you need to do is receive it!

I'm Rachelle and I'm so glad you're here!

I'm Rachelle and I'm so glad you're here!

I first discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy® at a time in my life when I had been experiencing the debilitating symptoms of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) for decades; symptoms that prevented me from being the parent I wanted to be, making the income I wanted to make, and having the relationship with myself that I knew I deserved to have. The RTT® sessions I had were so powerful, so transformative in healing the PMDD, I knew almost immediately that I needed to learn how to give this gift to others.

Once the PMDD was transformed at the deepest subconscious level, my nervous system started to get a taste of being regulated, and I began to learn what safe felt like for the first time in my life. It was then, when I started to have the inner knowing and awareness that I had experienced a lifetime of narcissistic relationships and abuse. Through this journey, I have felt called to walk with other women who are on the same path of healing and growth.

It brings me tremendous joy to be able to use Rapid Transformational Therapy® to guide women who are ready to heal their relationship with themselves, eradicate limiting beliefs, expand personal power, amplify their voice, connect with self trust, elevate their inner knowing, and create the exquisitely gorgeous life that they desire.

RTT® has changed my life so profoundly and I want to share the power, science and magic of it with you!

"I came to Rachelle with an issue that I thought was intractable. I had been feeling stuck with a certain part of my past for so long that I believed that I was never going to be able to get around it. With the help of Rapid Transformational Therapy I managed to clear that blockage and change how I walk in this world. I live that change everyday, almost without trying.

I feel light because of it. I feel powerful."

"I came to Rachelle with an issue that I thought was intractable. I had been feeling stuck with a certain part of my past for so long that I believed that I was never going to be able to get around it. With the help of Rapid Transformational Therapy I managed to clear that blockage and change how I walk in this world. I live that change everyday, almost without trying.

I feel light because of it. I feel powerful."

"I came to Rachelle with an issue that I thought was intractable. I had been feeling stuck with a certain part of my past for so long that I believed that I was never going to be able to get around it. With the help of Rapid Transformational Therapy I managed to clear that blockage and change how I walk in this world. I live that change everyday, almost without trying.

I feel light because of it.

I feel powerful."

Have you heard about

Rapid Transformational Therapy®?

Have you heard about

Rapid Transformational Therapy®?

RTT® is a revolutionary, innovative therapeutic approach that uses unique layers of techniques to access the subconscious mind. I would guide you in a state of relaxation, to effectively identify, reframe and transform the deep-seated beliefs and patterns that are holding you back and causing you pain. RTT® is so successful in rewiring neuropathways and creating rapid, lasting change, that most of my clients will only need 1-3 sessions for each presenting issue, which is far more cost effective than years of talk therapy both financially and energetically.


Developed by Marisa Peer, Rapid Transformational Therapy®
has received international accreditation and multiple international awards.


RTT® powerfully combines the most beneficial elements of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). In addition to this, I also incorporate DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) and a feminist coaching lens to the work I do with my clients.


What I love the most about this modality is that it's the perfect combination of scientific, evidence based techniques and the spiritual journey of doing the most beautifully transformative inner child work.


It will transform your life from the inside out!


Release emotional blocks, restore energy flow and open your heart center, allowing for infinite, boundless love; for yourself, your life, and the world around you!

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Have Questions?

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© Copyright 2024. Rachelle Uveges. All rights reserved.