Dream. Create. Heal. Expand. Shift. Transform.

How Does it Work?

If you wanted to create a beautiful garden, a garden that flourishes and brims with lush crops, you would first need to locate and remove the weeds from their roots. You would then cultivate the soil, eradicate pests and anything else that would interfere with growth. Once the plot was properly prepared and replenished, you would plant new seeds, good seeds, healthy seeds; seeds for the flowers you want in your garden. You would tend to them regularly, consistently, over time until they were in full bloom. That is exactly what Rapid Transformational Therapy ® does.

We have at least 60, 000 thoughts each day. A very small percentage of those thoughts are conscious which means the subconscious mind, your behind-the-scenes programming, is running up to 95% of the show! This serves you remarkably well when it comes to keeping your breathing regular, your heart beating at a certain rate or when you need to react quickly when there is danger. Your mind’s only job is to keep you safe. Your mind does what it thinks you want it to do, and your body will believe whatever your mind thinks. The subconscious is always working to protect you. You form your beliefs about yourself and the world around you very early in childhood, when being accepted, fitting in, and being loved was crucial for your survival. These beliefs and patterns of behavior become outdated and are often no longer relevant to you as an autonomous adult. The subconscious mind holds on to these familiar beliefs which are unhelpful and limiting in creating the life you want for yourself and the person you want to be. They can hold you back and cause you pain.

We upgrade our technology programming all the time and since our mind is our most important software, we need to update our thinking.

I can help you do that!

How Does it Work?

If we wanted to create a beautiful garden, a garden that flourishes and brims with lush crops, we would first need to locate and remove the weeds from their roots. We would then cultivate the soil, eradicate pests and anything else that would interfere with growth. Once the plot was properly prepared and replenished, we would plant new seeds, good seeds, healthy seeds; seeds for the flowers we want in our garden. We would tend to them regularly, consistently, over time until they were in full bloom. That is exactly what Rapid Transformational Therapy ® does.

We have at least 60, 000 thoughts each day. A very small percentage of those thoughts are conscious which means the subconscious mind, your behind-the-scenes programming, is running up to 95% of the show! This serves you remarkably well when it comes to keeping your breathing regular, your heart beating at a certain rate or when you need to react quickly when there is danger. Your mind’s only job is to keep you safe. Your mind does what it thinks you want it to do, and your body will believe whatever your mind thinks. The subconscious is always working to protect you. You form your beliefs about yourself and the world around you very early in childhood, when being accepted, fitting in, and being loved was crucial for your survival. These beliefs and patterns of behavior become outdated and are often no longer relevant to you as an autonomous adult. The subconscious mind holds on to these familiar beliefs which are unhelpful and limiting in creating the life you want for yourself and the person you want to be. They can hold you back and cause you pain.

We upgrade our technology programming all the time and since our mind is our most important software, we need to update our thinking. I can help you do that.

"I've had therapy before, but I've never been deeper and I've never moved more than I did

with Rapid Transformational Therapy.

It was like doing a years worth of talk therapy in a matter of weeks."

"I've had therapy before, but I've never been deeper and I've never moved more than I did with

Rapid Transformational Therapy.

It was like doing a years worth of talk therapy in a matter of weeks."

What Can I Expect in a Session?

The only requirement for Rapid Transformational Therapy ® to be effective is that you are open to it. Our session would begin with me guiding you into a relaxed state of hypnosis. It’s the easiest thing to do. We go into similar states of relaxation every day when we’re reading a good book, watching a movie, taking a yoga class, driving a familiar route, or having a captivating conversation with a friend. In an RTT® session, we take this natural ability and use it with purpose. Hypnosis is about facilitating a state of inward focus where the subconscious becomes engaged, allowing the conscious mind to relax and get out of our way. Hypnosis helps lay down new neuropathways in our brain. When we change neuropathways, we permanently rewire our thinking which is turn can transform our life. Hypnosis unlocks our potential. You will be completely aware and in control during this process. I will show you how to do it yourself.

Our subconscious mind in the database of our life. Our mind is so incredibly brilliant that when we ask it a question about the root cause of our problem, it will give us the answer. Together we will find this root cause by going back to childhood scenes where you formed these outdated beliefs, and you will be able to view them differently now through your adult eyes. Understanding is power and understanding in hypnosis is the most powerful, the most liberating, the most healing transforming power! Once we eliminate what is no longer best serving you, I will give you better, more supportive suggestions inline with what you want for yourself. We will get very clear on what you want during our strategy call prior to the RTT® session. Our mind lets in better suggestions when it is in this state of relaxation. When we install new ideas and beliefs, we no longer need to rely on willpower which allows us to overcome a problem in our life with ease.

I will make you a phenomenal, personalized, transformational recording to wire in change which will transform beliefs about yourself and direct you to where and who you want to be. The mind learns by repetition so you will need to listen to this recording for at least 21 days before our follow up call.

What can I Expect in a Session?

The only requirement for Rapid Transformational Therapy ® to be effective is that you are open to it. Our session would begin with me guiding you into a relaxed state of hypnosis. It’s the easiest thing to do. We go into similar states of relaxation every day when we’re reading a good book, watching a movie, taking a yoga class, driving a familiar route, or having a captivating conversation with a friend. We take this natural ability and use it with purpose. Hypnosis is about facilitating a state of inward focus where the subconscious becomes engaged, allowing the conscious mind to relax and get out of our way. Hypnosis helps us lay down new neuropathways in our brain. When we change neuropathways, we permanently rewire our thinking which is turn can transform our life. Hypnosis unlocks our potential. You will be completely aware and in control during this process. I will show you how to do it yourself.

Our subconscious mind in the database of our life. Our mind is so incredibly brilliant that when we ask it a question about the root cause of our problem, it will give us the answer. Together we will find this root cause by going back to childhood scenes where you formed these outdated beliefs, and you will be able to view them differently now through your adult eyes. Understanding is power and understanding in hypnosis is the most powerful, the most liberating, the most healing transforming power! Once we eliminate what is no longer best serving you, I will give you better, more supportive suggestions inline with what you want for yourself. We will get very clear on what you want during our strategy call prior to the RTT® session. Our mind lets in better suggestions when it is in this state of relaxation. When we install new ideas and beliefs, we no longer need to rely on willpower which allows us to overcome a problem in our life with ease.

I will make you a phenomenal, personalized, transformational recording to wire in change which will transform beliefs about yourself and direct you to where and who you want to be. The mind learns by repetition so you will need to listen to this recording for at least 21 days before our follow up call.

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Have Questions?

Let's Connect!

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