"Rachelle is the perfect balance between professional, and extremely warm and considerate. She explained the process very clearly before we started. She helped me understand what to expect and then she guided me through the process with aplomb and kindness. The connection was so powerful that together we moved blockage out of my way.

I still listen to Rachelle's voice whenever I need a boost."

"Rachelle is the perfect balance between professional, and extremely warm and considerate. She explained the process very clearly before we started. She helped me understand what to expect and then she guided me through the process with aplomb and kindness. The connection was so powerful that together we moved blockage out of my way.

I still listen to Rachelle's voice whenever I need a boost."

30 Day Transformation Package:

Strategy Call (30 minutes)

This is where we explore what you would like to transform, how your pain is holding you back and begin to create a clear, vibrant vision for your beautiful future.

Rapid Transformational Therapy Session (2 hours)

This is where the magic happens! We will work together to eradicate the subconscious root cause of your pain so that it never again affects you, then install new beliefs that will catapult you into the gorgeous life you desire.

Bespoke Transformational Recording

Eliminate outdated, redundant, limiting beliefs and set everything in place that you need to transform your life from the inside out. This recording will be 15-20 mins in length and will effectively and permanently rewire your neuropathways. You will absolutely love listening to this recording for 21 days or longer with lifetime access.

Follow Up Call (30 minutes)

We will meet to check in 21 to 30 days after the RTT Session.

Life Changing Experience

Transformation at the Deepest Subconscious Level

Expansion into a New Version of Yourself


$649 CAD (plus tax)

30 Day

Transformation Package:

Strategy Call (30 minutes)

This is where we explore what you would like to transform, how your pain is holding you back and begin to create a clear, vibrant vision for your beautiful future.

Rapid Transformational Therapy Session (2 hours)

This is where the magic happens! We will work together to eradicate the subconscious root cause of your pain so that it never again affects you, then install new beliefs that will catapult you into the gorgeous life you desire.

Bespoke Transformational Recording

Eliminate outdated, redundant, limiting beliefs and set everything in place that you need to transform your life from the inside out. This recording will be 15-20 mins in length and will effectively and permanently rewire your neuropathways. You will absolutely love listening to this recording for 21 days or longer with lifetime access.

Follow Up Call (30 minutes)

We will meet to check in 21 to 30 days after the RTT Session.


$649 CAD (plus tax)

Hypnosis Audios

Hypnosis Audios

Every audio I create is inspired by a challenge I have experienced myself and is designed to personally guide you in transforming at the deepest subconscious level. Each hypnosis recording is infused with the intention of deep soul restoration, growth, expansion, heart connection, sisterhood and love. From my heart to yours, happy healing!

Every audio I create is inspired by a challenge I have experienced myself and is designed to personally guide you in transforming at the deepest subconscious level. Each hypnosis recording is infused with the intention of deep soul restoration, growth, expansion, heart connection, sisterhood and love.

From my heart to yours, happy healing!

Loving Warrior

Installation Codes

Loving Warrior

Installation Codes

Free Yourself from

Narcissistic Abuse

She wants to fight for you. She wants to help you set boundaries, make yourself a priority, elevate your expectations and divert you from settling for less. She is strong, courageous; she has found her voice! She wants to fight for you because she loves you. She is fierce! She is unapologetic! She is a force to be reckoned with! She is the loving warrior!

This 17 min hypnosis recording will install the loving warrior into your thoughts and protect all of your chakras with the armor of strength, resilience and pure love. She will always be with you, cheering you on, guiding you, fighting for you, and will connect you with the divine feminine power you were born with.

$33 CAD (plus tax)

Free Yourself from

Narcissistic Abuse

Harness the Power

of Perimenopause

You know something has to change. It’s been too long since you felt like yourself. It has to end. You know it’s time. You’re ready to leave and start to heal but don’t know where to start.

This 20 minute hypnosis audio will rewire your mind with increased confidence, courage, self trust and the inner knowing you need to be able to make the challenging decision to leave your toxic relationship behind and begin to heal the relationship with yourself. You absolutely have what it takes to free yourself from narcissistic abuse and create a life of peace and freedom!

$44 CAD (plus tax)

Harness the Power

of Perimenopause

Perimenopause can be a very challenging time in a Woman’s life. It can also be a very powerful window for transformation and healing: a rite of passage, a portal into the wiser, more self aware version of yourself. Women represent the cycle of life itself! Her power strengthens with age, She becomes more secure in Her skin, in Her soul and in Herself.

This 30 minute hypnosis audio will support you to nurture the Goddess within, create new neuropathways to access wisdom, increase clarity, connect with inner knowing, and heighten intuition. Includes a beautiful, gentle, full body healing that will alleviate anxiety, create a sense of calm and leave you feeling energized.

$55 CAD (plus tax)

She wants to fight for you. She wants to help you set boundaries, make yourself a priority, elevate your expectations and divert you from settling for less. She is strong, courageous; she has found her voice! She wants to fight for you because she loves you. She is fierce! She is unapologetic! She is a force to be reckoned with! She is the loving warrior!

This 17 min hypnosis recording will install the loving warrior into your thoughts and protect all of your chakras with the armor of strength, resilience and pure love. She will always be with you, cheering you on, guiding you, fighting for you, and will connect you with the divine feminine power you were born with.

You know something has to change. It’s been too long since you felt like yourself. It has to end. You know it’s time. You’re ready to leave and start to heal but don’t know where to start.

This 20 minute hypnosis audio will rewire your mind with increased confidence, courage, self trust and the inner knowing you need to be able to make the challenging decision to leave your toxic relationship behind and begin to heal the relationship with yourself. You absolutely have what it takes to free yourself from narcissistic abuse and create a life of peace and freedom!

Perimenopause can be a very challenging time in a Woman’s life. It can also be a very powerful window for transformation and healing: a rite of passage, a portal into the wiser, more self aware version of yourself. Women represent the cycle of life itself! Her power strengthens with age, She becomes more secure in Her skin, in Her soul and in Herself.

This 30 minute hypnosis audio will support you to nurture the Goddess within, create new neuropathways to access wisdom, increase clarity, connect with inner knowing, and heighten intuition. Includes a beautiful, gentle, full body healing that will alleviate anxiety, create a sense of calm and leave you feeling energized.

$33 CAD (plus tax)

$44 CAD (plus tax)

$55 CAD (plus tax)

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Have Questions?

Let's Connect!

© Copyright 2024. Rachelle Uveges. All rights reserved.