Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work?

It does! Hypnosis has been used for hundreds of years. There is evidence that suggests hypnosis is as effective, if not more beneficial than other standard forms of treatment. Hypnosis has been scientifically shown to be able to affect the brain's plasticity by creating new neuropathways and modifying existing ones. When we change our thoughts, we change our feelings. When we change our feelings, we change our actions. When we change our actions, we change our life!

What can RTT® help me with?

Rapid Transformational Therapy ® has been successful in addressing a wide range of issues such as: anxiety, depression, anger/rage, feeling unloved/not good enough, PTSD, phobias/fears, lack of confidence/low self esteem, PMDD/PMS, eating disorders, addictions, pain, physical illnesses, weight issues, emotional blocks, motivation/achieving goals, performance (in sports and otherwise), money blocks, sleep issues, and anything else that may be holding you back from living the life you want for yourself. (Please connect with me if you don't see your concern listed here).

Who do you work with?

I work with children ages 9-17 (parental/legal guardian consent required) and women/people who have been socialized as women age 18 and up.

Who is not a good fit for RTT® ?

RTT® sessions and hypnosis recordings are not to be used by individuals who have a history of seizures, psychosis or a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Some medical conditions, mental health conditions and personality disorders may require a physician's note.

How many sessions will I need?

RTT® is incredibly successful in quickly finding the root cause of the issue and in rewiring neuropathways which creates rapid, lasting change. Most of my clients will only need 1-3 sessions for each presenting issue, which is far more cost effective than years of talk therapy both financially and energetically. (Please note that some issues such as long term depression, anxiety and eating disorders may take longer which we can decide on together).

What if I can't be hypnotized? What if I get "stuck" in hypnosis?

It is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis the same way it's impossible to get stuck in sleep. You can come out of it anytime you choose to. You are in complete control the entire time.

The only thing you need to be able to be hypnotized is to be open and willing to be hypnotized. It doesn't matter how "deep" you go. You may feel relaxed but deep relaxation is not required for hypnosis to be effective. Hypnosis is about the sleep of the nervous system, it's not about being asleep, it's about being suggestible. We are more open to positive, life changing suggestions when we are relaxed.

Will you be in control of my mind?

You will be fully aware and in complete control the entire time. There is nothing I can make you think or say or do or remember that you don't want to. You will only disclose what you feel comfortable sharing. You will be able to talk and answer me easily.

When will I start to notice changes?

You may experience any of these types of change or all of them after an RTT® session.

Immediate Change - noticeable shift immediately after the session

Cumulative Change - noticing small changes over time

Retroactive Change - not noticing the change until we look back and see whare we started

What if I think I know the root cause of my pain?

I love this question! Time and time again I have had a client come to me with a specific memory they think is the cause of the issue they want to transform. When we ask the subconscious for the root cause, they may start with regressing to that memory and move on from there but more commonly, the root cause it not what they expected it to be at all. Childhood scenes they have never thought about since may come through or something seemingly unrelated may come up. Your mind is incredibly brilliant! Your subconscious knows all the answers you are looking for.

How do you meet with clients?

RTT® sessions are just as effective online as they are in person. Online sessions are such a wonderful way to be able to work with people all over the world! All you need is wi-fi access and a working electronic device. Some of the benefits of an online session is that you save time and travel expenses. You can also have time to relax after the session which I highly recommend. I use Google Meets which is free and easily accessible. Details are provided at time of booking.

It is recommended that you carve out time when you can be completely present, free of distractions and have privacy during our sessions. Headphones can be helpful if there is outside noise or distraction.

If you live in the GTA, Ontario, Canada, and require an in person meeting due to safety concerns (for example you are in an abusive relationship and are unable to have safe space at home to meet online), please connect with me and I will do my best to support you in this.

Is our session confidential?

Yes. All client information is kept confidential and the details of such are outlined in my privacy policy. I use headphones during our sessions when required to ensure privacy. I will not share identifying information without your permission. I will only share your information if you or someone else is at risk of harm or if I am legally required to do so, in accordance with professional code of ethics.

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