Are You Ready to Let Your Light Shine?

Are You Ready to

Let Your Light Shine?

Are you at a point in your toxic relationship where you barely recognize yourself in the mirror anymore?

Do you break down crying or dissociate when having to make the simplest decisions?
Do you lay in bed wondering if you’re safe?

You feel like you may not be, but you tell yourself to go back to sleep anyway.

Will you be safe tomorrow?

When they leave for work, you can breathe. You can breathe but you’re absolutely exhausted.

Your nervous system desperately trying to repair itself.

When they come home, you start scrambling around, like a chicken with its head cut off, making sure everything
is just the way they would want it.

Repress. Dissociate. Behave.

Don’t you dare rock the boat!

Maybe you suspect they’re cheating. Maybe you know they are.

Maybe you hope they are because you have been praying for a concrete reason to let the relationship go.

You can feel the relief just thinking about it. And you're terrified.

Maybe you’ve left your narcissistic partner, been hoovered back in, or discarded, or waltzed between the three.

You’re replaying every single conversation and interaction you've ever had with them,

seeing it through a new lens now, trying to make sense of it all.

Wondering how things could have fallen apart so disastrously without you even noticing when it started out so magical, feeling like you finally found your soulmate.

The mindfuck of all of it!

Your nervous system continuing to do the heavy lifting.

Desperately trying to feel like yourself again.

I get it. I’ve been there, more times than I realized was possible.

Abusers may isolates you from friends and family and other resources that give you power and a safe space;

but the one thing a narcissistic relationship will do without fail, is damage the relationship you have with yourself.

They isolate you from yourself!

They know that if you felt connected with yourself,

you would be able to hear that inner voice screaming at you

“Something’s not right. This isn’t safe.

This isn’t what it’s supposed to feel like. Get out!”

Maybe you would listen.

Ensuring this disconnection with self is how the narcissist continues to control and manipulate.

It’s slow. They test you. It’s insidious abuse.

The only way we can completely heal from narcissistic abuse and prevent it from ever happening again,

is to heal the relationship we have with ourselves; to transform our lives from the inside out. When this is repaired profoundly, it becomes unbreakable and we cannot possibly tolerate or entertain disorder any longer.

I would love to help you do exactly that!

If you are a woman ready to heal the relationship with yourself after narcissistic abuse or a toxic relationship, I invite you to join me and a community of others on the same journey and “Let Your Light Shine ™!”

My 8-week program uses RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and a feminist coaching lens to help you transform at the deepest subconscious level and catapult into a life that is aligned with the beautiful, radiant woman you truly are.

Freedom is your birthright. Peace is your birthright.

If you are a woman ready to heal the relationship with yourself after narcissistic abuse or a toxic relationship, I invite you to join me and a community of others on the same journey and “Let Your Light Shine ™!”

My 8-week program uses RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and a feminist coaching lens to help you transform at the deepest subconscious level and catapult into a life that is aligned with the beautiful, radiant woman you truly are.

Freedom is your birthright. Peace is your birthright.

Freedom is your birthright.

Peace is your birthright.

Access course material and recordings any time, on any phone, through the free Rachelle Uveges mobile app (no download required).

Lifetime access to course material.

Access to the private Facebook group community where current & past course members share their support. Daily support and interaction from me as well as weekly FB lives answering any questions that may arise from the course material.

If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

I can't wait to hear your why!

If not you, then who?

If not now, then when?

I can't wait to hear your why!

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© Copyright 2024. Rachelle Uveges. All rights reserved.